Norton-in-Hales CofE Nursery & Primary School

  1. Our Vision and Values
  2. Religious Education

Religious Education


Tuesday, 19th March 2024- Simerpreet Kaur Visit

We had an extremely informative visit to our school today. Simerpreet Kaur from the Telford Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) delivered an educational visit which enriched the RE curriculum further.

We feel it is very important to make sure we are all aware of the various aspects of all religions so that we can promote religious integration and social cohesion.

As always the children were very respectful and they thoroughly enjoyed learning more about Sikhism.

Thursday, 7th March 2024-Imran Visit

 We had a visit from Imran the Imam this morning and he told us all about Ramadan and what it means to Muslims.

 The children were fascinated about how they follow the lunar calendar and how fasting makes them feel closer to Allah spiritually! Imran showed the children some Eid Mubarak cards and explained how it is an honour to commit to Ramadan and not a chore.

Some of the children also tried a date, Imran explained that once the sun has set during Ramadan, Muslims eat a date before anything else because Muhammad ate dates during his fasting and it also helps to restore their sugars which have been lost during daylight hours! They went down extremely well!


The Creation Story

Daisy Class have been learning all about the Creation Story in their RE lessons. During their lesson, they created some fantastic team pictures to show how the world was created. They also created some of the animals out of playdough and they also had a go at making the world in their Small World Area in the classroom. 

Expressing ideas about God

This half term, Angela Class are focusing on the question - "What does it mean if God is holy and loving?". After studying three passages from the bible (Psalm 103, Isaiah 6:1-6 and John 4:7-12), the children were asked to express their learning and ideas about God in words, pictures and colours.


Daisy Class's Easter Garden

During Spring 2, Daisy's RE question was "Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter Garden?". They looked at Christian symbols and the significance of the cross. They then read the Easter Story and, during Forest School, the children created their own Easter Gardens.

Imran, our Muslim friend

As part of our RE in school, we learn about Islam. To help us with our learning, Imran, a Muslim religious education advisor, came to our school and led an assembly and an activity for both KS1 and 2. Imran brought along lots of special objects which are important to Muslims in their everyday lives including the Qu'ran, perfume and the different head pieces for the children to try on. He also brought the precious black box that symbolises Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  

Our Diwali Celebrations

The whole school spent the day learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. The children learnt about Hinduism - the main beliefs, the Vedas, the Mandir and their important symbols. They also took part in a range of activities linked to the celebration of Diwali including creating Rangoli Patterns and drama. For lunch, Oruna, a local restaurant, provided the children with different samples of food that would be eaten during the Diwali celebrations which the children thoroughly enjoyed!  


Open Door at Shrewsbury Abbey

Our Year 5 and 6 class took part in the Open Door event at Shrewsbury Abbey. The children got to choose from a range of activities including First Aid, banner making, stole designing as well as a Lego activity linked to the story of The Good Samaritan. 

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